Thursday, October 12, 2006

Update time...About a week and a half ago, I decided to try living on 2 meals a day. Basically, I wanted to know how my body reacts to a lunchless life. As I expected, after just a couple days I stopped getting hungry at a normal lunch time. Instead of being hungry around 12, I got hungry around 3 or 4. This was convenient in some ways...I was able to work most of the day without being distracted by hunger and I didn't have the normal desire to take a post-lunch nap. On the other hand, by 4 or 5 I would be really hungry; so hungry that all I wanted was to go home and eat. And most days this is exactly what I did. Eating "dinner" so early also had consequences for my daily schedule. First of all, I would have at least an extra hour to do something else in the evening (which I usually wasted anyways). Second, I was hungry again at 9 or 10. As far as I can tell, I have not gained or lost any weight during this little experiment. So what can I conclude from this? I guess I would have to conclude that lunch exists for a reason. If it didn't everybody would be leaving work at 3, or they'd just be (more) irritable and (more) unproductive in the late afternoon.

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