Yo quiero Taco Bell
Everyone knows that when you come home from the bars after having a few beers, you have to eat something. It is just one of those side-effects of alcohol. But what is the best “drunk food”? Well, last night I decided that it surely isn’t crackers with cheese and pickle relish. Thinking ahead, even after a few drinks, I thought to take a picture of this creation. Looks good, doesn’t it? It ‘passes’ as acceptable drunk food (what doesn’t?), but it is far from being the best. The best drunk food is always greasy. Here in Finland that means a trip to the Grilli or Hesburger where you can get burgers, fries, sausages and about anything else that is deep-fat fried. In Germany, drunk food is often döner kebab, which is soooo good late at night. But back in America, we get our greasy drunk food at Taco Bell (at least in Nebraska). I don’t know if Taco Bell can really be considered Mexican food. Think of what it would be like if Mexican cuisine sold its soul to Ronald McDonald, and you’d be getting close. There were always horror stories about what someone, somewhere found in their bean burrito or where the meat is actually coming from (carne de burro was my favorite theory). Though the food was terrible for you and your digestive system, after some beers the craving always came. Yo quiero Taco Bell! (that phrase is probably trademarked, so nobody tell the company about this blog) My old roommate, Frosty, and I would often ‘run to the border’ (another advertising slogan of TB) after a good party. Our favorite food was the Grande Meal, a mix and match combination of bean burritos, soft tacos, and hard tacos (10 total) with nachos on the side, for about 10 bucks. Yeah, it was grande, and we always reveled in devouring all that greasy goodness. The next day, we always had a bit of a stomach ache to go along with our hangover. We never learned our lesson though. We kept going to Taco Bell when intoxicated for 3 years (even the gentle cajoling of Gill, Frosty’s wife now, never dissuaded us from eating too many tacos). Such is the power of alcohol and its ability to impair judgment.
1 comment:
Even after years of horrible stomachaches and the nagging thoughts that the meat might not be fit for human consumption. The Bell still remains the greatest drunk food ever. Although the trips to the Bell are fewer and farther between. The drunken chants for "Taco Bell" from Ryan and Dan in the back seat of the tempo will always be etched into my memory. The fights over the last taco will also never be forgotten.
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