The evolution of...pop culture?
I swung by the website of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a light-hearted take on the intelligent-design vs. evolution fiasco in the U.S. I was reading some of the hate mail, which is entertaining yet absolutely stupifying. People go absolutely bonkers when you even remotely tease their faith. But I don't wanna write about that; this debate is a hot button issue for me considering my chosen career field so I could go on and on. Instead, just go to the website and check out the New York Dolls video that is posted there. Yeah, those punk rockers from the 70s wrote a light-hearted song about evolution called "Dance like a Monkey". The song is catchy and the video is pretty funny. If you like the song, you can download it from the roadrunner records webpage. I reckon (one of Ines' friends thinks the word "reckon" isn't used there you go) that the entrance of the ID vs. evolution debate into the realm of pop culture diminishes its seriousness. At least that's my hope.
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