Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sprinklers at Mattilanniemi

It is 5 in the morning and I just said goodbye to a very good friend of Ines and I. She (Katri) is moving from Jyvaeskylae (I don't have the umlauts on my keyboard) tomorrow. Of course, we had to celebrate her last night in town. I'll spare the details, but we ended up dancing in freetime, a club that plays a lot of rock music. The timidness of Finns still amazes me. They are so reluctant to dance (by comparison, I'm eager to dance). After a lovely night out, I enjoyed the 25 min walk home. The temp was around 14 C, which is pretty brisk in just a t-shirt. As I was walking through the Mattilanniemi portion of campus, the sprinkler system was on. I have been through this area many, many times at all different parts of the day, and I have never seen the sprinklers on. It made me think about different things (why there is even a sprinkler system, why I never noticed it, and how I can avoid getting wet). But I also thought, everything needs a bit of help to grow. So Katri, in your new adventures outside Jkl, don't forget about your old friends here and don't be afraid to ask for some help and might just help you grow. The same goes to everyone else: try new things but don't be afraid of asking for some help. Best of luck Katri!


Anonymous said...

Hey! yeah it was really a nice night, even though I was pretty tired. I just had to go out, because it was my last night in Jkl. (Jani's Seaman shot helped me to stay awake:)).
It's been weird and hard to say goodbye to friends here and to the town.(And it's been even harder to empty and clean the flat!!) I can't realize that this part of my life is over.. Let's see what happens next..
Thanks Dan for the nice night yesterday. Sorry to hear that you got wet because of the springlers..:)
Let's keep in touch and I promise to write here every now and then:)!

Ps: Ines you were right, I did cry in the end of the evening:)

The Antediluvians said...

Yes! I knew this post would get you to comment on our blog! Look forward to your next comment...