Dice Wars
Check out this flash game that Luki sent to Ines and I. It's called Dice Wars and it works like the old board game Risk. You're a set of dice out to conquer the other dice that are a different color. Basically, when you have more dice on a square then you should attack the square with less dice. The number of new dice you get every turn is determined by the number of territories you occupy. It takes some "strategery", as our president say, and a bit of luck. Be warned...it is totally addictive, so don't try it unless you have some time on your hands.
By the way, does anyone remember Risk? It was a favorite board game of my older brother. He and his friends would have games of Risk go on for hours, and if they didn't finish in one day, they would keep the board setup intact to finish it on subsequent days. Every now and then a rogue house cat would destroy the setup causing people to argue about who was gonna win (imagine the dialogue..."c'mon, I controlled all of Europe and Africa...all you had was Austrailia and half of Asia...and not even the good part of Asia, just Siberia"). I also played Risk every once in a while, but it was never my favorite. I was more of a Monopoly man, which when you think about it basically has the same premise (conquer the world in Risk, conquer the business world in Monopoly). Anyways, by the time I was an adolescent, Risk could be played on the computer saving us lots of time spent rolling dice over and over again. Maybe that's why I seem to enjoy dice wars so much.
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