There is a certain amount of narcissism involved in maintaining a blog (i.e. please read about me and my opinions!). Thus, I will not feel too guilty or self-involved posting this
link. It is the university’s press release announcing my thesis defense. The page is all in Finnish with the exception of my thesis abstract. I must say, when I see announcements about my impending thesis defense, I start to get both excited and nervous for the actual event itself. The reality of it all is slowly seeping in.
Wow! I think I actually understood the abstract. You should be proud to be a finnish academia internet superstar.
Finnish internet superstar? Not until they are translating this blog into Finnish. Mel, in Finnish they tack a multitude of endings onto nouns, proper or not, because there are not prepositions in the language. That's just one of the things that makes it such a difficult language to learn.
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